A Black Day

Today the Wahluke Eagles suspended one of it's founding players due his violation of the academic code. The player in question was receiving a Failing grade in Social Studies because he did not turn in his homework.
Earlier in the day, Juan and I talked at lunch and knew that we had to suspend him. We even wrote out our points for me when I informed the player in question. It was a painful task. The player in question was one of the reasons for starting the team. Long ago when he and Oscar were in second grade, I opened my home and the Middle School gym for them to shoot. They enjoyed basketball so much and wanted to play on team. From those Friday night lights, the team began.
So when practice began, I called Oscar and him into the conference room. I took out my statement and when I announced his temporary suspension; he, Oscar, and I flinched as it was painful to speak and receive. Even now as I write this post, the sadness remains.
Fortunately the player called me later and expressed his desire to get his grades up and return. I am relieved. To loose a player with such promise and talent is tough. But worse still is to loose a friend.
Maybe you should change your heading to the "joys and sorrows" of coaching..."
The JSHS varsity coach, Tom, is very disappointed today. They lost a key game last night in OT due to his players' over confidence.
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