A Little Celebration

The Wahluke Eagles decided to celebrate a little this Sunday with a BBQ at my house. We were leaving Burger King and headed to Coscto when Oscar asked me when I'd cook chicken for the team, then he asked what about tomorrow. I assented and mentioned that there a fewer places better than Costco for chicken.
When we hit the store, the boys and I managed to multi-task, namely we shopped and hit all the free sample tables. We also managed to laugh a great deal. Near the checkout stand there was a make-up table. As we stood in line, the boys took turns dragging over their teammates saying they wanted assistance.
That night I marinated the chicken and by 4:15PM on Sunday five of the boys (Antonio, Christopher, Cristian, Eduardo, and Oscar) arrived at my door and later Oscar's oldest brother Reyes came by as well. As I got busy with the cooking, the boys first decided to play soccer. Once they finished that, Chris suggested croquet and they all agreed.
As a kid, I played croquet with my brothers and rare was the time that one of us did not get so disgusted with the game that we flung our mallet over the hedge and headed inside in tears. Luckily the Eagles handled the stress a bit better. After the game ended, the boys still appeared to be friends as they drifted inside to play chess and watch NBA till dinner.
As a kid, I played croquet with my brothers and rare was the time that one of us did not get so disgusted with the game that we flung our mallet over the hedge and headed inside in tears. Luckily the Eagles handled the stress a bit better. After the game ended, the boys still appeared to be friends as they drifted inside to play chess and watch NBA till dinner.
After dinner, I went outside and joined the boys in another game of backyard soccer. I guess while we were playing I hacked Antonio a little. Today at practice he pointed to his legs and indicated what I did. Still the game ended and we were all on good terms.
Around 8:30PM, I took the boys home. The next day I cut the lawn and as I complained a bit under my breath about the size of my yard, I recalled the good times like Sunday and realized I really have no reason to be upset.
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