Jimmy Chitwood

Watched Hoosiers last night with Mr. Martinez. During the film we laughed seeing some of the same behaviors from our own players. Also watching a film about a little farming school going to the top against the big boys resonated with us.
We gave the boys a week off with no practice. We'll start again on Wednesday 15 March. I think the boys and the coaches need a break away from each other. Some of the boys need the time to consider if they want to keep playing. Their behavior at school and practice continues to disrupt the other players. We asked one boy to think about his future and how his behavior can help or hinder him.
Mr. Martinez and I decided not to cut any players. For some of our players, it's the first time that they're in the lime light and we can't take that away. Thanks to the support of Caedyn's parents, we can continue with all eleven boys and even add my ahijado Oscar R., who moved to the next town.
Who knows, one day the Eagles might be coming to a theatre near you.
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